Friday, 11 December 2009

Continuety Task 2

1) The planning for my filiming task consisted of my group and I constructing both a storyboard and a shooting map consisting in detail what we were going to film and how.

2) The 180 degree rule used in my filming task a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera infringes the axis connecting the two characters the audience is confused and disorientated.

A picture showing the definition and rules of the 180 degree rule.

3) In the continuety task my group used an array of shot types and angles, with the main shot in question when character 1 walks down the corridor. This is shot with a tracking shot, emphasising the location used, a school, as it creates the illusion someone is also going down the corridor, following the character.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for competently evaluating your preliminary task. Could you please upload your Preliminary Task onto your blog as soon as we return to school after Easter. This is extremely urgent.
