Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Audience Research

My proposal was to interview teenagers in their musical taste of "emotional rock", giving them the popular name "emos". This interview was to determine how these "emos" watched and heard about films. I expected for many to not go to the cinema often, as they known to be withdrawn individuals; with this in mind I also expected them to watch films alone, and only hear about new films in most ways except word of mouth, or friend recommendation.

The age of the twenty people I questioned
10 males and 10 females.

Out of the 20 "emos" I interviewed, a majority 12 watched 1-5 films a month, this was expected as an average. Out of these films watched a majority 9 out of 20 stated that horror was there favourite genre, which was expected as they are commonly associated with gore, death and horror, 6 of these 9 were females, which was also expected as the social group "emos" are predominantly female.

When given Empire Magazines top 5 films of all time, a majority 7 picked 'Star Wars' as their preferred film, this was unexpected, as horror film 'Jaws' was also in the list, that only 3 people chose.

When asked how many times they go to the cinema, only 1-5 times a year expected of the prehaps anti-social and isolated people interviewed. This was the case, as a large 50% agreed, one participant even stating that she never goes to the cinema. With this in mind, I predicted that the majority would state that they preferred to watch films at home, and many would answer that they watched 1-5 films weekly or even daily at home. This prediction was correct, as 50% of people questioned answered that they watch 1-5 films at home a week.

The next question was to determine how many people they preferred to watch these films with. My expected result was that a large majority watched films by themselves, or with only 1-2 friends. Out of the 20 people interviewed, 9, almost half, of these people stated they watched films by themselves out of preference with the next highest value being the 7 that preferred to watch films with just 1 person.

The next part of the questionaire was focused towards film marketing, asking the audience how they heard about films. The expected results were that the majority would not hear about films due to word of mouth, most probably the internet, or television. The results back were suprising, with the methods of word of mouth and television both gaining the majority vote, with 20% of the votes each.

The last question was what attracted the people questioned to a film, there was no expected majority as it is impossible to pinpoint what the narrowed audience would pick due to their social group. The majority vote was a tie between genre and plot, with 5 out of 20 each voting.

1 comment:

  1. Good - Why did you choose this particular segment of the audience? It would have been interesting to compare this segment to another audience type to see if habits of film audiences change across social groups.
