Thursday, 12 November 2009

The Conventions Of L.A Noir

L.A Noir is a sub-genre of film that takes elements such as moral uncertainty, deception and bleak content and displays them in the bright, famous and glamourous setting of L.A. The use of the bright setting shocks and creates unease the audience, the bleak, harsh happenings taking place in what can be seen to many as 'paradise.'

In the opening for L.A noir film 'L.A Confedential,' many comparisons can be made with the opening for 'The Third Man.' Both use a bright, cheery soundtrack alongside the seedy, dark plot to unsettle the viewer. This is also achieved by the narration, a light, happy voiceover of the crime and dark scenarios taking place, the voiceover also mentions L.A being "A Garden Of Eden", ironically conveying themes of morality and moral battles, more irony is conveyed by the voiceover when the audience is informed that L.A have "the best police force in the world.

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