Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Film Distribution in Norwich

Film Distribution in Norwich

1) 103- VUE
24- Picturehouse

2) VUE
Kick-Ass- 10
Alice In Wonderland (3D & 2D) - 12
Nanny Mcphee and the Big Bang- 12

Kick-Ass – 2
Perriers Bounty- 7a
Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll – 1

3) Cinema City- 8 Films/25 Screenings
VUE- 16 Films/63 Screenings

4) 11/15 films shown at VUE are American in comparison to the 4 British films.

In Picturehouse 3 of the films shown are American compared to the 5 that are British

5) I am undecided but open for choice as a consumer in Norwich, both mainstream and independent film screens are in close proximity therefore I have the option to attend both. I was surprised at the array of films at cinema city; both independent and mainstream in a good amount. With my findings in mind I can see how it would be difficult for a British director to find fame.

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